Arctic region touts gastronomic tourism
The development of a gastronomic map of the Murmansk Region and the promotion of the Arctic Cuisine brand is an important and interesting area of regional tourism development, Murmansk Deputy Governor Grigory Stratiy said at the Made in the Arctic tourism platform at the international business week in Murmansk, Rossiya Segodnya reported.
The Arctic Taste gastronomic festival, which kicked off at the event, includes practical seminars and workshops for cooks, as well as the Arctic Taste gourmet campaign at regional dining facilities. Regional authorities believe the local cuisine is important in developing tourism.
"Gastronomic tourism is becoming increasingly popular throughout the world. Our region, which is rich in deer meat, fish, berries, and mushrooms, has something to offer even to the most demanding tourist," he said. The region has developed a gastronomic map with several sections: Saami, Pomor and Soviet cuisine, the details of which have yet to be specified and replenished with stories, venues and recipes.
According to Stratiy, many local restaurants have developed a special menu under the Made in the Arctic slogan.
"We know that people can live, work and relax in the Arctic to the fullest," the official said.