
© RIA Novosti. Grigorij Sysoev

Deputy Federation Council Speaker Karelova: Procurement website to facilitate northern freight shipping

There are plans to purchase products for northern delivery online with procurement websites.

“The website will offer a common database for the widest range of potential suppliers and will facilitate transparent purchasing and competition between businesses in these consumer markets,” said Deputy Federation Council Speaker Galina Karelova.

According to Karelova, the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic is currently drafting a bill under instructions from President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The document is to formulate a joint regulatory legal framework for businesses in the northern freight shipping program. Each year, 3.2 million metric tons of freight are delivered under this program. 

If approved, the document will also delimit the powers of federal and regional authorities in providing essential goods to the 3 million people living in the northern areas, covered by this program.