
© RIA Novosti, Ilya Timin

Expedition to supposed yacht Eira wreckage site to start in summer 2018

Russian Arctic National Park plans to send an international expedition to Northbrook Island of the Franz Josef Land archipelago in the summer of 2018 to study an object which is supposed to be the remains of the steam yacht Eira that sank in 1881, the press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment reported on October 6.  

"Research carried out earlier this year allows us to believe that the expedition next summer will produce good results and prove to be a success, even if the discovered object turns out to be something else rather than the yacht," the press service cites Director of Russian Arctic National Park Alexandra Kirillova as saying.

The discovery of what might be the remains of steam yacht Eira was made in the park this summer. The yacht of Scottish traveler Benjamin Leigh Smith sank in August 1881 during an expedition to study the recently discovered Franz Josef Land.

Attempts to identify the wreckage site have long remained futile due to the harsh natural conditions of the high-latitude Arctic.
