
© RIA Novosti. Georgiy Zimarev

Russia to design deep-submergence rescue vehicles for the Arctic

Next-generation deep-submergence rescue vehicles capable of operating in the Arctic are in development for the Russian Navy.

“The Russian Navy is working on next-generation deep-submergence rescue vehicles, to be rolled out in the near-term. They will be adapted for operation in the Arctic both by the Northern and Pacific fleets,” reported the Navy press service, citing Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

According to the admiral, the Navy is performing upgrades and routine maintenance on the Priz deep-submergence rescue vehicles capable of diving to 1,000 meters and Bester vehicles with a diving capacity of 700 meters. The upgraded АS-36 Bester will get new properties, making it possible to operate in the Arctic after the work is finished in 2021.

“The Kanonersky Ship Repairing Yard is modernizing a number of systems of the AS-36 Bester deep-submergence rescue vehicle, which will considerably enhance its efficiency and capability of assisting submarines in distress. It will be equipped with new positioning, hydro-acoustic search and TV monitoring systems as well as with upgraded life-support systems,” Yevmenov explained.

He recalled that the vehicles are getting upgrades based on the Russian Navy’s deep-submergence rescue vehicle repair and maintenance program.

“The program will last for over 10 years and entails, along with upgrade and repair, development of next-generation deep-submergence rescue vehicles,” noted the admiral.

He also said that six deep-submergence rescue vehicles used by the Navy emergency rescue services had been repaired earlier.