
© RIA Novosti. Sergey Rusanov

A concept for the development of indigenous peoples drafted in the Nenets Autonomous Area

The Arctic-Info agency reports that the regional policy department of the Nenets Autonomous Area (NAA) has drafted a concept for the sustainable development of indigenous small peoples of the North in 2015-2025.

The draft sets the aim of preserving the identity of these minorities and supporting their traditional way of life in the context of Arctic exploration and modern government policy.

According to the draft, to achieve these aims it is necessary to work in three main areas: creating favorable conditions for the indigenous peoples on the territory of their traditional residence (in rural settlements); upgrading the legal foundation of a uniform government policy aimed at ensuring their sustainable development; and creating a favorable environment on the territory of their traditional economic activity.

The draft contains some entirely new mechanisms for implementing the rights of small indigenous peoples in the NAA. It emphasizes that to ensure their sustainable development it is necessary to mobilize their internal resources in the interest of current and future generations, and promote partnership between these minorities, the public, the business community and the government.

At present, the draft has been submitted to relevant departments that oversee issues of the agro-industrial sector, healthcare, education and culture. Their proposals will be included into the draft, and it will be published on the regional policy department's website for public discussion and presented for review to the Yasavei Association Council.