Natural resources

© Alrosa Press Service

Unique 34.17-carat yellow diamond extracted in Yakutia

A unique 34.17-carat diamond was extracted from the Ebelyakh alluvial deposit owned by Almazy Anabara, an affiliate of diamond producer Alrosa. The fancy-colored yellow diamond has a small light inclusion in the intermediate zone, the company's statement says.

Before the end of October, the diamond will be delivered to the Alrosa United Selling Organization (USO) in Moscow, where the company's experts will be able to give it a more detailed and accurate assessment.

"Previously we used to extract an average of one rare-colored diamond of 10 or more carats per year. This year, however, we have already extracted several large colored diamonds, with this yellow 34.17-carat diamond being the largest. The company's experts have yet to study the diamond in detail, but we can already tell you that it has a fancy vivid yellow color, which is very rare and is highly valued," said Yevgeny Agureyev, Alrosa USO branch director.

Most of the diamonds have either no color or are a light shade of yellow, the company's press service explained. Stones with vivid colors, such as red, pink, yellow, blue, etc., are called fancy stones. They are rare, and as a rule cost much more than colorless diamonds. Inclusions can reduce the total value of a diamond, but each sample requires an expert assessment.

Earlier this year, Almazy Anabara also extracted a unique 27.85-carat pure pink diamond, which was the largest pink stone in Alrosa's history.
