
© RIA Novosti. Ruslan Krivobok

Tyumen State University scientists explore lakes in Yamal-Nenets with radio-controlled yacht

Specialists from the Tyumen State University are using a radio-controlled yacht to explore lakes in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, according to the university's website. This method of research is being used for the first time.

"Students of the Institute of Earth Sciences at Tyumen State University are doing fieldwork at the university's subarctic scientific station near Nadym. To obtain the morphometric characteristics of lakes, a unique radio-controlled yacht, which can also navigate a given body of water autonomously and comes equipped with an echo sounder and GPS navigator, is being used for the first time," the report said.

The work is carried out in cooperation with the Center for Arctic Research, whose specialists will provide methodological and practical assistance in the collection and processing of field materials.

"This summer, microclimatology, geobotany and large-scale landscape mapping of local geosystems were added to the traditional areas of work. Objects of research include lakes, small rivers, sand formations, north taiga and near-tundra ecosystems," Andrei Soromotin, director of the Research and Development Institute of Ecology and the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources at Tyumen State University, said.
