
© RIA Novosti. Vladimir Perventsev

Igor Orlov: Traditional shipbuilding industry should become Pomorye brand

Arkhangelsk Region Governor Igor Orlov met with a group involved in the Pomorye Karbas project and supported the idea of preserving the traditional Pomorye shipbuilding industry, reports the region's press service.

The project has become popular online and in the media, and Pomorye will become a new brand, said Yevgeny Shkaruba, a skipper with the Seafaring Practices club and co-author of the Pomorye Karbas project to build a traditional Pomor vessel.

"The Northern shipbuilding industry has its own language, rules and customs. No other region can boast the same sophisticated maritime culture. It would be no exaggeration to say that Russian seafaring culture was born in the North," he noted.

Shkaruba suggested continuing the project, studying and keeping the traditional Pomorye shipbuilding industry and seafaring practices and building new karbases.

Governor Orlov supported the proposals of the project's initiators and noted that this aspect of Northern culture must be preserved, no matter what. Karbases could be part of the Solovki sailing regatta, he noted.

He asked those interested in the project to compile an action plan for studying and preserving the Pomorye Karbas. The project will be presented at the cultural program of the 2019 "The Arctic: Territory of Dialogue" forum in Arkhangelsk.  

