
© RIA Novosti. Eugene Odinokov

Russian Arctic ministry drafts Arctic freight delivery bill

The Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic (Minvostokrazvitiya) has published a federal bill on Arctic freight delivery. The bill was written to create a legal and organizational framework for shipping consignments to the extreme North and other regions with the same status.

The bill introduces new categories in Arctic freight shipping. It officially defines these deliveries for the first time as a schedule of organizational, transport-logistics measures and financial mechanisms for regular and uninterrupted shipments to the extreme North, and regions having the same status, with limited freight delivery times for goods (products).

The bill subdivides consignments covered by the Arctic freight delivery program into categories, depending on their urgency. The first category is vital products, including socially important foodstuffs and non-food commodities, medications, medical goods, and fuel and energy resources, petroleum, oil and lubricants. The second category includes other shipments for state and municipal needs. The third category lists other consignments not included in the first two categories and being acquired by organizations, individual businesses or private individuals for personal or business purposes.

The bill lists a number of institutions facilitating the operation of the system of freight deliveries to the extreme North remote areas Federal and regional coordinators will oversee the process, and a single operator will manage northern supply haul. A new e-commerce platform will be used and managed by an authorized operator. The document also stipulates mandatory planning for the first two freight categories to prevent spontaneity in the range of items shipped to the North.

According to the experts, the bill is important for supplying vital products to the Russian Arctic and for its development. The clear delegation of roles in these tasks and the introduction of a three-year plan will help systematize Arctic freight shipping and avoid a repetition of crises linked with the delivery of vital consignments to polar areas.
