Andrei Chibis: Port of Lavna is 68 percent ready; rail service will be launched by the end of 2023
© RIA Novosti. Pavel L'vov

Andrei Chibis: Port of Lavna is 68 percent ready; rail service will be launched by the end of 2023

The Port of Lavna, an anchor project of the Murmansk Transport Hub (MTH), which is under construction on the western shore of the Kola Bay in the Murmansk Region, is 68 percent ready.

"The facility is already 68 percent ready. And as I said earlier, there are plans to open work service on the new MTH railway line to the coal terminal in Lavna by the end of 2023," Governor of the Murmansk Region Andrei Chibis said after visiting the site together with Russian Presidential Aide Maxim Oreshkin and Minister for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic Alexei Chekunkov.

In addition, he noted that the Port of Lavna would boost tax revenues, attract investment and open new markets. The port is also a resident of Capital of the Arctic, a priority development area.

As the Ministry of Information Policy of the Murmansk Region pointed out, the project is among the priorities of the comprehensive plan for modernizing and expanding mainline infrastructure, and also contributes to fulfilling the task set by President Vladimir Putin to increase the cargo traffic along the Northern Sea Route up to 80 million metric tons by 2024.