Russian Academy of Education receives Arctic research center
The Research Center of the Russian Academy of Education has opened at Murmansk Arctic State University. President of the Russian Academy of Education Olga Vasilyeva and Rector of Murmansk Arctic State University Irina Shadrina signed the agreement last week.
They signed the agreement online at a university Academic Council meeting. The agreement is to implement joint fundamental and pilot research projects in pedagogics, psychology and other education-related sciences, as well as in innovation projects.
“We find it particularly valuable that the Research Center of the Russian Academy of Education has opened in the Year of the Teacher and Mentor in Russia. We would like to thank our colleagues for their trust,” Rector of Murmansk Arctic State University Irina Shadrina said, while commenting on the opening of the Academy’s Research Center at the university.
Murmansk Arctic State is the only regional university that offers an education major in the Murmansk Region. It offers a rich tradition of experience in educating future teachers.
The university’s research program includes a strategic project on innovative pedagogical technologies and the socio-psychological well-being of people. Under this strategic program, the university is now administering approximately ten scientific research and practical projects.