Ten students to go on scientific trip to Extreme North after winning Ticket to the Arctic
The jury of the multi-format competition for students and young scientists, Ticket to the Arctic, has chosen 10 winners. More than 300,000 people from all over the country took part in the competition.
“The scientific development potential of the Russian Arctic is enormous: large research centers and advanced production facilities are concentrated in this region. The Ticket to the Arctic competition has contributed not only to the popularization of knowledge about the Arctic, but also to solving the important strategic task of attracting young specialists to Arctic research. I hope that the Arctic expedition trip will encourage the winners to continue their scientific careers,” Denis Sekirinsky, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, said.
The winners were chosen from 30 finalists after a thorough selection process.
“The participants demonstrated their knowledge of a wide range of topics and modern project areas, such as the use of robots and artificial intelligence, interactive maps, and complex technologies. As a researcher studying natural phenomena, I was very attached to projects about climate change, but I also really liked the projects about tourism and the northern fashion show,” noted Maria Ananicheva, senior researcher at the glaciology department at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The winners’ projects included the design of special unmanned aerial vehicles with cameras and sensors to monitor the environmental situation in the region; compiling hydrographic maps of the blank spaces in the northern seas, using new generation echolocators for the safety of ship traffic; developing unique architectural projects for updating polar stations; and a northern fashion show featuring collections made from arctic waste, among other things.
The winners included students from Blagoveshchensk, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Obninsk, St. Petersburg, and Saratov. Participants represent various educational and scientific institutions: State University of Management, ITMO University, Moscow Architectural Institute, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, NUST MISIS, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Saratov State University, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Ural Federal University, and Leypunsky Physics and Energy Institute.
In October, the winners will visit advanced scientific and technological venues of the competition partners, such as the Lenin nuclear icebreaker, the Kirov Coal Mine, and the Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company, and will also see for themselves the beautiful natural environment of the Russian North.
The competition was held by the Clean Arctic autonomous non-profit organization as part of the Popularization of Science and Technology federal project with grant support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.