Никита Куприков. Директор АНО «Полярная инициатива».

Nikita Kuprikov

Director of Polar Initiative

In 2011, Nikita Kuprikov graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). He received a diploma in aircraft and helicopter engineering. In 2015, Kuprikov completed his postgraduate studies in aircraft designing at Department No. 101. In 2013, he received his master’s degree in management under the Rostec State Corporation's Management in Military and Technical Cooperation and High Technology programme.

Kuprikov is a member of the Commitee on Aerospace Development of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and chairman of the Committee’s youth section. He is also a member of the Russian Engineering Union, Association of Technical Museums, and Russian Geographical Society. Kuprikov is the author of the documentary, “Yury Gagarin’s 108 Minutes.”