First stage of studying lakes in Purovsky District of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area completed
Specialists from Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University have completed a two-week project to study the current state of water bodies in the Purovsky District. They assessed the state of the Senmuto, Voyento and Khylslamato lakes and the Shonyauyakha River, as well as their fish-breeding potential.
The researchers’ key task was to obtain updates on the current status of local fish populations and the structure of natural schools of water organisms, their specifications, the state of hydro-chemical parameters, and the nutritive base of fish schools in the water bodies surveyed by the experts.
Biologists collected ichthyologic material for evaluating the spread of aquatic biological resources and their migration patterns. They also took 20 water and bottom sediment samples for studying their hydro-chemical properties and the distinguishing features of water bodies’ ichthyologic fauna.
“We collected full-scale primary material and delivered it to Tyumen for subsequent research. The material will be processed at laboratories of the Agro-Biotechnology Center, part of Agricultural University’s Institute of Fundamental and Applied Agrarian Biotechnologies,” Natalia Smolina, Ph. D. (Biology), who works for Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, said.
In late summer, the scientists will organize another expedition, using the new data for compiling recommendations for cost-effective management of aquatic biological resources.
Research results have major significance for developing the fisheries sector in the Purovsky District; this primarily concerns small indigenous Northern ethnic groups. This sector plays an important role in their traditional economy.
The research projects are being conducted under the sponsorship of the Government of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area and the Russian Center for Arctic Development.