Nadezhda-2016 Sled Dog Race begins in Chukotka
The 25th International Nadezhda (Hope) Sled Dog Race of 20 teams of Chukchi dogs and Chukchi mushers from Chukotsky and Providensky districts will begin in the village of Lorino in the Chukotka Autonomous Area on April 9, 2016, says a statement on the area's website.
"The 653-kilometer route will run through the villages of Uelen, Inchoun, Enurmino and Neshkan. The racers expect to cover this distance in eight or nine days," said Anatoly Kerginvat, a consultant at the sports and physical fitness section of Chukotka's Department of Education, Culture and Sports.
Exhibits that will be open in the local settlements' museums and culture centers during the race will cover the key stages of the race history.
The awards ceremony will be held in Lavrentiya, the administrative center of the Chukotka Autonomous Area, on April 18. The prize fund this year is over 800,000 rubles. The winner will get 130,000 rubles and a cup made for this jubilee race. The race has been financed under the state program for the development of education, culture, sports, tourism and youth policy of the Chukotka Autonomous Area in 2016-2020.